Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I have no clue what I'm doing...

It's been at least a good month of thinking this over, but I've finally relented. Wallah! Here's my blog.

Don't get too excited; I don't know how far I'll get with this. Thanks to all you consistant blogers who have, with your examples, influenced me to join the bandwagon.

I sat at my computer for a good half hour before naming my blog. Sorry I copied your format, Emiley. I was running out of ideas.

If anyone reads this before or during thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Tonight at church we had a pie fellowship. We went around and all of us shared things for which we were thankful. I had to chuckle when a few little rascals had scrunched up faces when it was their turn.

We have so much, that I find myself, like these little ones, sometimes scrunching up my face, trying to think of things to be thankful for. Isn't that sad? I hope I never forget all that God has done for me. Help me break the mold of "November Thanksgiving" and let's be thankful for the blessings (and the trials) that God allows us to have all year long.


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