Back to Reality
Hi dear friends and nonfriends and strangers! I am back to beloved Wisconsin. I believe I'm camp'ed out. After 8 weeks of working camps across the country, I went with my own personal home-grown family to Family Camp at Northland. That was a refreshing week; I was able to see some friends, relax, and spend quality time with my family. Another treat was that Tim was able to be up there as well. It was nice having a few days together before the bedlam of school begins. He's starting his second year of dorm supervising and will be taking grad classes. I'll be an RA in Hilson and finishing up my Senior year with student teaching in the Spring.How can you recap a summer in one paragraph? In one post even? The Lord helped me journal a good part of the summer. My feeble mind has already forgotten a lot of what the Lord did, but God was good.
Emily (my sis) is coming to school with me. I'm happy for her. We will be doing some shopping together, I'm sure. I'm excited about decorating my OWN room&bathroom! My goal is to incorporate cheap ($) and classy. I think the two should meet together more often, don't you?
WELL, I hope all you people have a wonderful time before school starts. I get to watch my little niece Kara tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. Toodles! (That's a dumb word to say, but it looks so fun!)

hey girl! i'm so glad to hear your summer was great :) busy times, and school right around the corner already... crazy! see you soon!!!
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