I'm torn! I've always wanted to fufill my civic duty, yet I don't think I'll be able to!
I received a letter on friday telling me:
You are hereby summoned to appear before the judges of the Circuit Court of Dane County to serve as a juror for the weeks beginning on MAY 8, 2006 and MAY 15, 2006 at 8:15 a.m.
I will be in summer school during this time, then I'll be out west the rest of the summer. This makes me sad! I know this isn't the most enjoyable experience ever, but I know I would enjoy saying I had the experience. Everyone get your kleenex boxes out and sympathize with me.
So which one would be you in the picture ? It's not necessarily as fun as you may think. I ended up being railroaded into being the jury foreman when I did it. It was because I was the first one to speak when we were sent to our room( after what seemed to be an eternity of silence).I asked, " Ok, who would like to be the foreman ?" (our first order of business to be determined). Immediately I had most of the fingers pointing back at me and I heard the words, " How about youuu !!" It wasn't necessarily an easy ride. Some jurors wanted to get sentimental and stray from the rules that were given to us, guess what gender that was?- oops.Some were impatient. Anyway we convicted the guy for drunk driving for about the 6th or 7th time, he was as guily as guilty can be. After the case we found out info. kept back from us during the trial . It was a good educational experience however. Love dad( I promise not to write on your blog again) ps I still say that too much blogging can make one mad!
You can comment anytime, dad. I think I'm the one who's second to left in the front row...
it would be fun, what if you got stuck in a long case like oj or something and you made a measly 14 dollars a day for an entire year and a half, not to mention all that time away from Tim! What the world? at this point im thinking civic responsibility is overrated
Um, Dave, the whole point of civic responsibility is that it's for others' benefits, not yours.
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