WARNING! Further reading may hurt the more delicate readers
Well, it's that time of year again. It's vacation, the sun is out, I'm working, and I have a stye."A stye?" you may ask.
Yes, a stye.
"Where is your stye?"
My stye is in my eye.
"How long have you had this stye?"
Two months, I cry.
I almost put a picture of one up, but I squirmed while looking at it. They really are gross. You can find a picture by looking on google if you more inquirative (SP?) minds are reading this.
I'm going to a doctor today who can maybe cut it off if she so desires. I'm not sure what I desire more....waiting out the stye, or having someone go at it with metal shards.
O NO! It's ok...I'm sure the googled pictures look worse...that's what you get for traveling to all those camps! :)
thanks for sparing the picture...
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