Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ever feel dumb?

Today was a dumb day in my book. I was dumb all day. It Started out with being late to 2nd hour and saying a dumb comment in class. I usually don't even speak up much in class, but for some reason, I did, and I was dumb. But, being dumb in front of others is good for me though...keeps me humble. Anyway, let's see...what else was I dumb in today? oh... I was dumb in Children's literature during a quiz, and I realized how dumb I was in Chemistry today with Dr. Corrick. He is a very smart and talented man. Today we didn't talk about Chemistry at all. He used today to share some memories of his teaching days. He shared several poems that he had written over the years. Many poems were labeled after different types of students. I underestimated (was dumb about) how much he perceives and picks up. He is a very good people analyzer and judge of character...and very witty too! I'm not going to tell you any more about that; all you el ed majors out there will just have to take the class to find out more! Back to dumbness. (Oh yes, there's more!) I was dumb because I wasn't prepared for something else today, and THE MOST DUMB thing I did tonight was this: For my Lit. class, I had to record myself reading to a 4th-8th grader. I have an 8th grade brother, so I opted for the easy choice. My poor brother. I made him read too. I have to chuckle, because his voice is so much deeper than mine! I don't think Mrs. Hershberger is going to believe that he is an 8th grader. I don't think he enjoyed it much, but he owed me one. I typed up a paper for him the other day (he had it written) when he was in a pinch. I think he might have actually liked the storry a little bit, but he deffinately wasn't going to let me know that! Oh. I remembered another dumb thing. I didn't find a sub to work during chapel on thursday, so I am going to miss a meeting I'm supposed to be at unless a miracle happens. dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!

I do feel dumb writing all of this, but you don't have to read it if you don't want too.
Praise the Lord for His faithfullness! Imagine what I'd be like without Him!!

Leave a dumb comment.


At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it all worked out, Mrs Handyside wasn't at the meeting either!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger jules said...

hannah, u r cute :) i was glad i "ran into u" today... i needed your happy smile! love u!


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