
One of my co-workers invited me to a party tonight. I declined and asked her if she wanted to come to our church get-together. She said she'd come if I would come to her party. haha. No can do. We were able to talk about why I didn't drink. I hope my answers were not vague. I told her that I was a Christian, and because I had Christ in my heart, I did not want to put things into my body that would hurt me. She couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to "party." I told her that drinking wasn't my idea of fun. She said a little bit wouldn't hurt anyone. I agreed that some people think "they can handle it," but I told her that alcohol causes a lot of problems, and the best way to not be a drunk or alcoholic, is to never take the first drink. Pray for her. She came to an evangelistic meeting with me a couple months ago. I want to see her get saved. I love her too much to see her keep living a life without true peace and joy. When I got home, I told my mom about it, and she said that she thought of my co-worker, and she was praying for her! It's amazing when you feel the spirit's leading. So often, when I feel the spirit nudging me to say something, it's easy to push it down because of nerves. Why? Why do I have such a skewed vision of reality? What we have to share is something of VITAL importance!
hannah, if your church party gets to wild, make sure you call MAAD, they sponsor free rides home...if not, make sure you have a designated driver
don't even joke about that stuff.
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