escaped convicts, crabs, and flashlights

Wow. I feel safe. I have lived in Cambridge how many years? I just found out that we have a minimum securty prison on the outside of town. What's worse, the reason I just found out is because of the news that a black man just escaped from it. If you don't see any more posts, just be glad that you'll see me in heaven someday. Good thing the safest place for me is being in the center of God's will. Who would want to come to 225 Johnson street anyway? Well, we do have 3 sheds in our backyard....and a cool tunnel in the "woods." He could hide under our trampoline! Pardon me as I pull my shades down.

Ahem. Now let me vent my frustrations about people in general. What do you say when people come into your store already intent to be angry about something. I mean, our product hasn't changed in size, yet people look for things (or make up things) to belittle and complain about. I had a call the other day from a house-bound grandma. She said (in a shaky, frail, nasty voice) that her buns that someone picked up for her were too small! The buns she ordered last year for her husbands funeral were larger and less expensive. (The price and size has not changed.) What was I supposed to say? Lie and appologize for something not true, or tell her she has dementia and to find something better to do with her time?? (This is my flesh speaking.) I normally just grin when people are grumps, because I can't let them pull me down into their selfish world. I feel sorry for them. They look to doughnuts (sorry bobbi) to fufill a hole in their empty, shallow world. What they need is a drink from the Living Water found in God's word. My heart aches for so many of the people that come in and go out those doors who are searching for a meaning in life; maybe they don't even know it, but there's an emptiness there. Lord willing, my life's call won't just be composed of serving fat calories to already overweight bodies. This is the time when I feel convicted about that crabby phone call I received. The lady lives near me and she probably is just lonely and looking for ways to communicate with people. Showing Christ's love would be to stop by her house sometime and and just visit with her. Ach. This application is easier said than done. Pray that I'd find a way to witness to her.

Do any of you have any good reading suggestions for me? I'm in a quandary. I'm not used to this extra time in my day, and I want to read a good book, but I walked around in our small hometown library for a half-hour today and nothing caught my eye. Well, okay, I lied.
War and Peace caught my eye, and I pulled it down and flipped through it....and then common sense kicked in and I put it back. As I child, I could not put a book down until I read it all. Yeah, I almost sufficated sometimes when I read underneath the covers with a flashlight so my parents wouldn't know I was still awake. Maybe that's what's wrong with me! Lack of oxygen to my brain or something... ANYWAY, drop some good titles if you have a moment. My flashlight and I will be waiting.
yes, yes, and yes. Jane Eyre is one of my all-time favorites.
Hannah, you crack me up!
I always enjoy a good mystery novel, Sir Arthur Connan Doyle or Agatha Christie are always selections you can't go wrong with.
That's just my opinion.
If you're in the mood for a novel, try I Capture the Castle. (Don't watch the movie, it's horrible!!!) Anything by Evelyn Waugh is great too. He wrote some incredibly good short stories. I hope you enjoy your break! :)
People are always fun to deal with. Steve and I have countless stories to tell from working at the same grocery store together in high school (I'm sure you will hear a few of them). No matter what you do in your response, you are going to be wrong. I have felt that way before too, especially with customers who come in on a regular basis, you feel like you know them. I praying for you in that aspect.
Book recomendations: I hear there is a good John Adams biography :)
I've read three books now over break, and am working on 5 before next Thursday (yep, little too much free time on my hands). I don't read a lot of fiction, but I loved "The Scarlet Pimpernel." Think 17th century Batman durring the French Revolution....good stuff. My all time favorite book has to be "Profiles In Courage" by John F. Kennedy (yes, JFK). It's about lesser known characters durring the Revolutionary War. I loved it, but, I don't know how you feel about these historical books.
Um, just a thought--try nonfiction. I'm going with Slim on this one. One of the best books I've read in a long time is Ravi Zacharias's Can Man Live Without God? Fabulous book. If, however, you prefer fiction, try Frank Peretti's The Oath. I got it for Christmas and am thoroughly enjoying it.
I'm gonna have to recommend my favorite book from the oprah book club, cane river. You can find all of Oprah's favorite books in her little club thing on Amazon. When it comes to books, good ole oprah knows whats going down...
Em, steve, ryan, and chelsie, Thanks guys! I already typed in a bunch of your titles on Lincat and will soon be getting them from the library. Thanks for coming through for me.
Batman and the french revolution?? Hmmm. I might give it a try.
Ravi Zacharias sounds familiar. I think I've heard him on the radio.
The Oath. Is that the one where there's a dragon or creature in the town, but no one will admit to it? I think I've read it. It illustrates the deception of sin, right? Maybe I have my titles mixed up, but if that's the one I'm thinking of, it IS a good one. Thanks.
Are you kidding me or are you being serious about oprah?
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