Makin' the Dough...and bamboozled

*This is actually the Cambridge bakery! I just found a picture of it on the internet.
Since I wasn't able to get many hours at the Cambridge bakery, I talked to "Joe" from the Stoughton bakery. (We used to be under the same owner.) Joe put me to work right away. I woke up at 6 this morning to make the drive. Those late-morning-sleep-ins were nice, but I believe they are now over. We had a 60 lb. order for christmas butter cookies today. We got everything packaged up just in time. Frosting, sprinkling, dipping, filling... My day was full of fun, back-bending activities.
Ask your parents if they every put soda crackers with ice cream. I was simply bamboozled with my mother's placement of crackers next to the ice cream at our church fellowship last night. My mom said her mother used to serve them together all the time and -by george- all of the old people at church knew just what to do with them. They all stuck the crackers into their bowls like it was a normal place for crackers to be placed. A guy in his 30's was also quite mystified, so it must be a generation thing or something. Let me know what you find out. I'm curious if this is a nation-wide thing, or just a early wisconsin thing. I mean, cheese and crackers go well together, but ICE CREAM??
hahaa, i just asked my mom and she said "sounds like something grandma and grandpa would do..." so i'm thinking definitely a generation gap in there ;) Well nobody in family has ever heard of soda crackers at all. It might just be an "old people of southern wisconsin + julie rabe's grandparents" thing.
That's commendable
I just asked our 70+ year old assistant pastor. He'd never heard of it, but he said it might be good.
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