Nicholas Nickleby

Rebecca Ofstie and I got together after work, ate some pizza, and watched a movie on her comfy couch. We had trouble finding a movie, so we randomly picked one neither of us knew anything about. (Yep, I ended in a preposition.) So, we watched this Charles Dickens imaginative tale. I'm not sure that I would watch it again, but it had a radical story line. Oh, and I guessed the "surprise" ending halfway through the movie...that's usually not a good thing when you can guess ahead...but it was entertaining anyhow. This was the first movie I think I actually watched during break. I had intentions earlier, but I never got around to it. It was fun to just spend time with Becca.
HEALTH ALERT!! I had forgotten how GREASY doughnuts are....I worked in production today, and let me tell you, my hands had nice oily treatment all day. Fried food really is discusting if you see it in it's orginal state. Huh! It's sorta like sin. We frost it up and coat it, but in it's true state, it's artery clogging. We even try to talk ourselves into thinking it's okay. Hmm. Well, I'm not going to be eating doughnuts for a while. I need to move somewhere warm and work a healthier job.
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