Can you see the resemblance?

Emily and I are not always recognized as sisters. It's funny. Some people see no similarities, and some people notice the resemblances right away. We are quite different. I'm 5'8 and 3/4 " (hey, I like science. I'm all about exactness.) Em is 5' 6". I don't know why she got to be average and not me. phooey. (sp?) She is blonde, I'm brunette. She is usually hot, I'm usually cold. She is a sports nut. I....well, I try. She's skinny, I'm... um, let's just say I should exersise more. She likes to bake, I like to cook. (I'm stretching it here.) What else?? hmmm. We BOTH have blue eyes, and, Lord willing, we both hope to play soccer together next year. (I played my freshman year.) We both want to live in the dorms next year too. (Emiley - you should too! I'll pray for an inheritance from some distant relative or something.) We both started playing violin together...although she dropped out after a couple years. We both like to read. Hmmm. People say we sound alike. Both of us have never dated anyone. (I have this icky feeling that she's going to beat me and find someone her freshman year like John our older brother did. Haha.) She's a hoot, let me tell you. I have this hilarious videotape of her. I would put it on here, but I don't think I am able to do that on my blog. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I believe that if any girls were qualified to make it into Excalibur, Em would be at the top of the list. She is very quick on her feet. I am the type that will mull things over and respond 10 minutes after a joke. Maybe that's one of the reasons I like having this blog! Whenever I'm in conversations, I'm like," my name start's with h......give me a minute and I'll think of rhymes with banana...oh, Hannah! My name is Hannah." Okay, well, I think I've mastered my name, but you know what I mean. Having this blog gives me the time to search my brain without flustering myself or anyone else. You all get to read this without pauses or glitches on my account. Technology. I love it. Back to Emily: She's coming to Maranatha, so watch out everyone! Another Kutz girl in the kitchen. mwhahaha.
don't worry hannah. you were my sister and we didn't look anything alike aside from the part that we were the tallest of our repestive genders.
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