At our bakery party the other night, I found a fellow cheese lover. Connie is in her late 30's and she loves anything with cheese, just like me! I didn't know others existed! We talked a little more, and we BOTH love Olive Garden's alfredo! No one else tops it. It's so fun to find people with the same idiosyncrasies as I have. Watch out people; there might be others of us running around in the world. Be kind to them, okay? (:
i like cheese :-D
let's keep these posts from getting too cheezy...can I get an agonizing "AAAHHH" from everyone please? In all seriousness, J'aime du fromage, mademoiselle!
Nope. I don't know any french - just the word cheese. (: My mom took french in high school...I should see if she remembers anything.
"Watch out people; there might be others of us running around in the world. Be kind to them, okay?"
you exact words. So when I find someone else talking to themselves in the cooler, I have to be nice, right? Got it!
By the way, I too enjoy cheese; however, I don't think I like it quite to the extent you do. Here's my suggestion: Re-name the blog to "Co-Jack" (you know, like Colby-Jack....that's my favorite) and figure out a way to have the theme song from "Kojack" (appearantly it was a T.V. show in the 70's). That would officailly give you the coolest blog....EVER!
And yes, I did talk to myself about this (perhaps I've said to much...)
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