Fried Brain, anyone?

Praise the Lord I only have one final left. My poor brain was on information overload today. I honestly think I have a learning disability. My brain takes information-processing very SLOW. You know how it feels when you have two minutes to get to class and the computer has already taken 3 minutes just loading up for you to log in? Yeah, that has been my brain these past few days. I went to see the posting of my U.S. History final. I couldn't find my I.D. number. I found one that was a number off, so I trotted over to Mr. Licht's office, and lo and behold, he was there! We found my scantron, and (note the fryness) I didn't have my last name or the right number written down. (I always use the same number, so If I told you, you'd know my life history.) What a ditz! And this was at the BEGINING of my test.
Cameron, I just finished watching the camp dvd you sent. It is awesome! I wasn't expecting to sit there that put a lot of work into that. Thanks! (It was a nice brain-cooler-offer.)
The longer I look at my title, the more I think I've seen that before. Sorry if I'm copying someone. It looks familiar.
We received a tumult of snow today. Utica cancelled school. I had to putt my way to school while my siblings slept soundly...I don't know about that one.
I could have left school EARLY, but I wasn't aware of a meeting cancellation. (I shall not mention any names.) Actually, it was nice to sit around for a while and just chat with people.
Well, I need to warm up my engine a bit. My brain has been idling. It just needs to get me through one more final tomorrow, then I don't have to "drive" it for at least three weeks.
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i like the picture :) i was talking to liz today (my roomie) and was asking if she ever thought about what our brains look like when going through finals week! u know - lack of sleep might make it shrink; studying might make it fry; and does sleeping really settle information inside permanently? i've often wondered that... liz said she'd never even thought to think about that stuff before, lol... hmmmm :)
Hannah im guessing that since you commented on my blog, that you have one too! Pretty sweet how that works out...I'll just have to check it out form time2time
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