Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fried Brain, anyone?

Praise the Lord I only have one final left. My poor brain was on information overload today. I honestly think I have a learning disability. My brain takes information-processing very SLOW. You know how it feels when you have two minutes to get to class and the computer has already taken 3 minutes just loading up for you to log in? Yeah, that has been my brain these past few days. I went to see the posting of my U.S. History final. I couldn't find my I.D. number. I found one that was a number off, so I trotted over to Mr. Licht's office, and lo and behold, he was there! We found my scantron, and (note the fryness) I didn't have my last name or the right number written down. (I always use the same number, so If I told you, you'd know my life history.) What a ditz! And this was at the BEGINING of my test.

Cameron, I just finished watching the camp dvd you sent. It is awesome! I wasn't expecting to sit there that put a lot of work into that. Thanks! (It was a nice brain-cooler-offer.)

The longer I look at my title, the more I think I've seen that before. Sorry if I'm copying someone. It looks familiar.

We received a tumult of snow today. Utica cancelled school. I had to putt my way to school while my siblings slept soundly...I don't know about that one.

I could have left school EARLY, but I wasn't aware of a meeting cancellation. (I shall not mention any names.) Actually, it was nice to sit around for a while and just chat with people.

Well, I need to warm up my engine a bit. My brain has been idling. It just needs to get me through one more final tomorrow, then I don't have to "drive" it for at least three weeks.

Hey people, I see on my dandy counter that YOU are checking out my site. LEAVE A COMMENT. Even if it's just, "hey" I'll appreciate and cherish it.


At 7:26 PM, Blogger jules said...

i like the picture :) i was talking to liz today (my roomie) and was asking if she ever thought about what our brains look like when going through finals week! u know - lack of sleep might make it shrink; studying might make it fry; and does sleeping really settle information inside permanently? i've often wondered that... liz said she'd never even thought to think about that stuff before, lol... hmmmm :)

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Dave Marriott said...

Hannah im guessing that since you commented on my blog, that you have one too! Pretty sweet how that works out...I'll just have to check it out form time2time


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