eMary Kay

I need your imput people. If you read this blog and never comment, now is your time to pick up the torch. Some people (who shall remain nameless) are trying to shinaggle(is that a word?) me into selling Mary Kay. The big attraction would be that I could get all the product I want at a 50% discount. I've always been a tight wad, so this little incentive is very tempting. But, I'm usually such a tight wad that I hate even buying Mary Kay in the first place. (I'm sorry, guys. I don't think you can relate with this...but give it your best shot.)
I was looking for pictures to put on here, and I ran into the original Mary Kay lady. SCARY! If I put her on my blog, you would all shoot me. I'd shoot myself for even THINKING about selling her products. If I'd turn out looking like her, NO THANKS.... (If you've seen her, you'd know what I mean.) Okay, I relent. I'm putting her on. Don't laugh....or cry....or shout I mean. I guess she doesn't look that bad... NO, I can't handle it. I'm taking her off. (Do you like my ramblings?)
(hehe. I can see you guys running a search on Mary Kay just to see what she looks like. haha.)
Back to my original intent of this pinky post: Do I want to get involved in this? Argh. I don't know. I wouldn't want to do it that much outside of what my family and friends need. I wouldn't go whole-hog. Yet, is this really important? All the Mary Kay stuff I own is stuff my mom has bought me b/c I can't justify the prices. Money can go to much better places, in my humble opinion. Quality is a good consideration, but come on! $10 for eyeliner?!! $1 wally's works for me!
If I have these views about their prices, how can I ask my friends to buy the products just so I'll get a better deal? I could go the route of cutting into my profits and giving everyone a discount...everyone would be happy, I'd make a little money, and I'd get quality stuff cheaper. hmmm. Do I really need another thing going on in my life right now? I can't believe I'm devoting an entire blog post to makeup. How trivial is that? I really am deeper than this.
I think I just talked myself into saying no. Thanks for listening.
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BUT if my mom is going to buy the stuff anyway, why not sell it to just get it cheaper for her?
Oh, if all of life's problems were just this difficult... Sigh. (said w/ irony)
hannah u r so cute. i have definitely seen mary kay before, i pretty much have the same thoughts as u on that ;) i really like marykay products, and my mom used to sell it. she often buys me some makeup from there to be sweet to me, but i usually only stick to the eyeliner, eye enhancer, and velocity stuff and get the rest elsewhere :) i would say do whatever u want - my mom did it for awhile, and then ended up getting out of it (and then u have all the cool samples, hahaa). anyway, i understand your dilemma (or is it not a dilemma anymore?!) it is fun to do stuff like that, but yet another time-consuming thing, and i'm sure there'd be profitable money of some kind in it... yah, great help i am here... rambling, too -- keep on smiling... see u in class tomorrow!
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