Cars, guys, and sports

While I was putting along on my way to school yesterday, I turned around a corner, and guess what happened?!!?!? My front passenger's side door wrenched open wide! That was quite disturbing, so I pulled over to the side of the road. After several failed attempts to make my door latch, I ended up tying a blanket around the inside of the door handle, and I drove the rest of the way with the wheel in one hand and my red-checkered fleece blanket in the other. My mom didn't like the idea of me driving home like that, so I conjured up an interesting "lock" for my door. (Later I found that it was just frozen weird....It's shut now.) My faithful blue cutless sierra is still puttin'.
I have nothing to put here. The title just sounded fun. (I did talk to a few today. )
Oh! I remember something I can write about a guy! The guy in the picture (above) is my high school friend, Phil, in Iraq. Pray for him if you think of it.
My family came home distressing about their horrid game against Badger State. My sister was wailing about how disturbed and confused the refs were. Emily didn't even play. She kept the books for the boys. She said that the ref told her that the arrow only changes at half time. She was trying to inform him that the arrow changes every time there's a jump ball to show the possession change. My dad just kept saying, "I've always said we shouldn't play Badger State." Kyle was quiet. They lost by one point. I guess the other team made the boys play in pants too. Some little guys played in jeans because they weren't prepared. As I mentioned before, I'm glad I'm out of the whole high school days.
I haven't mentioned many memories yet, so I will comment on one. I remember a horrible way my dad used to wake us kids up in the morning. He would grab a hand bell (the school type) and shake it on the stairs and yell for us to wake up. I am not a quick-waker-upper in the morning. I hated that ringing....that's an aweful way to wake up. I'm not sure why I thought of that; maybe because I didn't wake up the other day when I was supposed to. Oh,this story is rather embarrasing, so I'll give you the quicky version:
I was supposed to open up at the bakery on saturday. I am usually at the store at 5 a.m. I didn't wake up until 6:40. I'm still shuddering at that day. That was the day we were all supposed to dress up in Dicken's Era clothing for "Country Christmas in Cambridge." I literally rolled out of bed, threw my pants and shirt on, and ran out the door. I was still the first worker in the store, but every body in town who wanted a dozen doughnuts came in right behind me. The next person on the schedule came in late too! (shudder.) In the 6 years I've worked there, I've now slept in twice. (The first time was even worse! Don't ask about the tree in our front yard.)
Maybe I should go to sleep now.
i liked that post :) ready for the ch. lit. quiz tomorrow? o my, hahaaa
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