
I have just spent 2 and a half hours trying to hook up my laptop to DSL wireless connection in my home. My parents were getting exasperated with me always on the family computer, and we have dsl, so they got me a card for my laptop so I could use the internet. I went through the whole process of installation but got stuck when it asked for a WEP key. I could not find our WEP key on our computer. We called support and I talked to a computerized voice for a little bit. (It was entertaining; you should try it sometime. If they don't understand you, they just start at the begining again. It's great! You're not even hurting their feelings!) Finally, I talked to a human being. He told me to read off what our little black plug-in thingie said. "Westell Model 6100," I proclaimed. "Wrong!" he replied. "Sad!" I sighed. (Interpretation: My mother was mis-informed when she ordered my card. Westell Model 6100 will not provide wireless. Westell 327 or Active Tech something will - NOT Westell 6100.) So, alas, my card works, but I cannot connect to the internet at my home until we get a different modem or a wireless link support at a tech store or something. I can't remember what it's called. I'm sure you know. Happy thought: I CAN connect to wireless at school now. That's cool. (Why I would haul my laptop to school when I can just use one there or carry my files on my jump drive, I don't know. I have to get the WEP key thingie for that too, but the technical ppl at school will help me w/ that I'm sure.)
SO, as I'm sitting at my parent's computer typing (SIGH's all around) I am semi-grateful for my parents thoughtfulnes, semi-exasperated with verizon for originally misinforming my parents, and semi-tired with all this computer technology stuff. I feel like I'm drowning. I should wade in the water a bit. Everyone sing! Sorry. If you don't get that, you're better off.
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