Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm going to be serious

I think all of my blogs to this point have contained some form of sarcasm, humor, dumbness, or just plain weirdness. I am going to be serious in this post just because we all need to be serious sometimes. I'm not sure what I'm going to write.... This is hard! It's easy to hide things with humor or sarcasm, isn't it? It is easy to go about life just saying one care-free thing after another. It's easy to just know people but not really know them. I'm good at this. I have tons of "friends," but how deep are those friendships? We all get overrun with business. Grades easily take priority, but when we stand before God someday, will he say, "well done" in areas more than just the grades? Yes, we should do our best, but a good balance is needed. God gave us people to share our lives with...not books. Christ took time for people. He welcomed the dirty, smelly, bratty little children to come to him. He made time for people. He cared about people. I need to care for people more.


At 7:27 PM, Blogger jules said...

what matters to God is what will matter for eternity. thanks for the challenge hannah!

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannah- Jesus welcoming all the children is so convicting! Especially on Awana nights. :) (PS: Your blog is great!)

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Noah said...

I left a comment on Emily's blog that I think would serve well here, too. The HTML tags aren't quite working like they do elsewhere, so it's at the link is at the end of the post. Good thoughts, Hannah. Something we all need to remind ourselves of CONSTANTLY.

Noah Frost
1 Timothy 6:12

Giving Thanks Always

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Noah said...

Odd. Link still didn't work. Try this now:
Giving Thanks Always


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