Team Palau ... and my week

The Kutz family left home bright and early on Sunday morning to make the treck to Brookside for the Commissioning service of the Zimmers. (See Emiley's report:
I saw many Maranatha faces, including Tim Morgan(BJ) and Emiley and Annie Yogerst.
My family decided to drive to maranatha last night to watch the men's basketball team play Dominican. We lost 52 to 80. Ouch. They didn't even have a half-time competition!! I was all ready to shoot. ( I would have too since I was 1 of the 10 mbbc students in attendence.)
I work with Muslim Kosovo men at the Bakery in Stoughton. Don't worry, they really are quite nice. What an arrangement, I know. I know how to say good. It sounds like Meyor. I asked them to teach me, "Hi, my name is Hannah." I had it down pretty well, but then I forgot it because I didn't think of a way to remember it, and I stopped repeating it in my head. oops. They speak Albanian. It is interesting the way we communicate. Everything is by facial expression, voice tone, and hand gesturess. They know a little english like, no good, excuse me, yes, no, thank you, this way, phooey (haha) - and they know my name. Hahnnah. All of their kids were born in America, so the children know English. One boy, Fizzie (that's his name!!) interprets for all of us. He's 18 and is an apprentice baker. Mt. Dew is THE nutrition for the production men. I've been offered it so much, I started drinking a little as to not hurt or offend them. Honest! They love the stuff, but I can't take all that sugar. They each drink 3 or 4 a day. (yuck.) I take no more than 2 a week if I can help it.
I bought them a 12-pack to say goodbye. Can't go wrong there.
The Rest of My Week:
Thur. - 7-2ish Work in Stoughton, 4:30 - haircut, 8:30 - Steve Dow's house
Fri. - 7-11 in Stoughton, 12-job shadowing a Physical Therapist in the fort school district.
Sat. - 10-? Work in Cambridge , 7ish-open gym in Cambridge
Sun.- Church
Mon. - I think I'm going to mbbc. I need to figure that out. If it's anything like the past, we have registration, and classes start tuesday. gulp.
One more thing! Mr. Dow showed me how to do Sudoku's!!! I am securely attached to them. (addicted sounds too harsh.) User's Note: Don't waste an hour before you go to bed trying to finish a sudoku. Your brain gets stimulated, and it is very depressing laying in bed and not being able to sleep because your brain is still searching for numbers. If any of you are confused, a Sudoku may be found daily in the newspaper near the crossword puzzles.
awe, i love the zimmers! i was glad to see those pictures and hear about it a little... when do they leave?
This is a little late, but I think they fly out of colorado today or tomorrow. They'll go to Guam first.
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