Grateful much?
I overheard a friend talking to another friend the other day. I'll call the person "Jack." Jack was talking about a gift he had just received, and then went on to complain about another problem. Why, do you ask, did this affect me? Well, I had anonymously given the gift, so in my heart, I wanted to witness some of the joy of the receiving. Instead, I saw my sacrificial gift passed over with another problem on the horizon. Indeed it was a legitimate problem. I did not blame the person for being negative. Especially since Jack had no way of knowing the gift was from me. I had given it anonymously so that Jack would not praise a person, but praise God. It would also help me to not give for the wrong reason. But of course, as I sat there, feeling sorry for myself because I didn't get "praise," I thought of God. When He gives me His daily blessings, how often do I barely thank Him, if at all, and then go on to worry and complain about something else? My desire for praise is unfounded. God's desire for praise is worthy and right.Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! (Revelation 5:12, ESV)
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