say, WHAT?!!

Life never ceases to amaze me. I have been reminded in the past few days how quick my plans can change. God knew what I would be doing all along, but I did not get much notice here! In my last entry, I was not sure what day I was going back to school. In this entry, I am going back with a car-load of stuff! That's right, folks. By reading between the lines, you may have figured out that I'm moving back on campus! I was not planning this at all, but the Lord works in mysterious ways. I had mentioned that I was thinking/praying about living on campus my Senior year, but this next semester will probably be my heaviest load (and latest nights), so it was decided last-minute that I would come back and live in Melford! (I was driving 40 minutes each way.) I don't even know where to begin! I found out last night that I'd be back for sure. WoW. I have been out of touch with dorm life for 2 years. I would exhibit more glee, but I have some packing to do. I feel like a freshman all-over!
Congrats on being able to move back in to the dorms, it’s the place to be. Now I don't have to feel bad if I "randomly" decide to cancel a meeting (that’s not how it actually went) because your just walking back to the dorm, not driving home. For that reason alone, I too am glad you’re able to be on campus. See ya tomorrow.
i'm SOOOOO happy to see u in here with us hannah! u r definitely in the funnest dorm out there. i'm very happy that the Lord worked it out for u to be in school, and even to take some of the difficulties away to make the semester easier on u. i love seeing u in here! :)
congrats, hannah...the dorms rock (christian way of course)...but not to imply that i advocate christian rock. where am i going with this. i think im trying to say that im happy for you
glad you could get there. hope you like the dorms. i do kinda mis being in them. but then again, i like my own room, too. haha. prayin' for ya sis'.
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