Here's a link to more pictures and stories! Click on photo gallery for more pictures after exploring this page!
FUN days

A Cool castle owned by the Navigators near the garden of the gods.
Do I look like a good cowgirl??

Here we are having fun at Whit'sEnd
Visiting Narnia...
In the Time machine

I couldn't help myself...
hi everyone!

Hello from Colorado!! Our Camp Team has had a great first week in southern Iowa, and now we have been having a few fun days around Denver and Colorado Springs. I survived my first time rafting! It was a blast...but I prefer dry ground and warm feet. The rest of the group is working on posting on maranatha's website, so go there for more pictures. Miss you all!! (I LOVE the sunset picture I got...don't you!?)
camp team leaves in less than a week!
Sorry to refrain from keeping you all updated. I've been using my energy elsewhere lately. My squeeling niece is in the background right now trying to get my attention. I have 2 papers to get done for summer school in two days. While I was holing out in my room this morning, my dad summoned me to come help him outside. He made me climb a ladder to help him attach a eaves trough on the side of the house!!! Here I was on a rickety old ladder from my great-grandfather's time period. The last time I was on a ladder, I fell off! Needless to say, it felt sooooo good to have my feet on solid ground again. Up to the dungeon I must go until I procure two documents of praise. I trust you all are investing yourselves wisely into endevours of value. Drop a note if you have time!