
I was reminded today of how God's atonement covers us and makes us "white as snow." We are washed, cleansed and justified in His sight. Praise the Lord for His goodness to the undeserving.
I think I've mentioned it before, but I work at a Bakery where all the production guys are from Kosevo. They speak Albanian. I don't know HOW MANY years they have been in the States, but they still speak very LITTLE English. What phrase does one guy manage to proclaim exceptionally well? Well, He can say: "Oh my____" and he takes the Lord's name in vain. I mean, come now, they talk Albanian the whole time back there, they listen to their own Kosevonian music, but they have to take my Lord's name in vain so I can understand! That frustrates me.
On a positive note, this people group is very giving. My old Dorm Sup., Lyndsey (sniff, sniff), was able to visit Albania, and she mentioned their habit of treating their friends for lunch and "fighting for the bill." When I worked last year in the back with them, they'd buy me a Mt. Dew practically every day. I don't even like Mt. Dew. This year - the first day back - one of them bought me another Dew! Thankfully they all left, so I was able to switch it for ice tea. Hee hee.
For those of you who I never get to talk to, my life has been moving fast! I've learned how to crochet (I obviously haven't learned how to spell it), I've made two scarves already, I've had a doctor's visit and had blood taken, I've visited Schaumburg Christian School as a prospective teacher, I've received info from administrators looking for teachers in California and Hawaii (my fingers could get used to warm weather), I've substitute taught Jr. High at Utica for 2 days, and I've just finished my first day of Student Teaching! Oh, and during all that, Coach C, I've been dating Tim too. Sorry you had to endure all the pictures. But hey, it's my blog! (:
Hope you all have a great week.