Then they that gladly received his word were baptized

We had a refreshing service today with 4 baptisms. All four boys desired to follow the Lord in believers baptism. They recieved workbooks to go through with their parents, and they met with men of the church before publicly sharing their testimony infront of the whole congregation. Now for discipleship. This is not the end of their obedience but the begining.
I've realized more from just being in the dorms how IMPORTANT discipleship is in people's lives RIGHT NOW. It's not something we can dismiss or leave for someone else to deal with. God places people in our lives for a specific reason. Not that I have all the answers, but we have to help each other like the example of Christ to his disciples and to other believers. My toes need to be stepped on more. I need to meekly confront others more. When people sin against their conscience, what are they really doing to themselves? They're grieving the Holy Spirit. If we love them like we should, we cannot passively let them continue in that direction.
good reminder, hannah. i agree 100% on that one. u r a sweet friend.
im not sure about the legitmacy of the baptism in the pic, they didn't get his arms...are they dead to sin now? post, i enjoyed it. It is always a blessing to see people baptized.
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