Good Gifts
As I was sitting here at the computer, thinking I had nothing to write about, my little brother came inside with a silly grin on his face. He held out some weeds he had picked in a bouquet and gave them to me. Grant it, he was outside trying to mow the lawn, and the mower wouldn't start, but still the silly, sweet action was a shock.
Little acts of kindness have been peeping out of my brother lately. The other week, he asked me how much a load of laundry costs at school. He then went up to his room and took from his coin collection enough quarters to last me through the end of the school year. He even offered to give me more if I run out.
These sweet events - acts of considering others without expecting anything in return - are the most valuable to the reciever. No one promped the giver, it wasn't expected or required. The gifts were of a pure heart of affection. Now if my brother were to read this, he would roll his eyes and say, "oh brother!" But honestly, how much more does God appreciate our gifts of service when they come from a heart of love and adoration for Him. The more we get to know Him, the more we love Him for all that He has done, all that He is, and all that He will do. The more we recognize how undeserving we are, the more we praise Him because " every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." (James 1:17)
Kara Kutz
I have not mentioned Kara recently. This little one is over six months old - can you believe it!?!?!? I can't. I'm soooo sad that I won't be able to see my niece during the summer. I'll come back to see her crawling and babbling.
Well, I'm home for the weekend, so you might get some more posts out of me soon. Until then, have a good one!
no oj for me
I'm officially off the hook (aka discarded from the race, thrown back into the nebulous pool, and exempt from any civic responsibilty hitherto now and forever, amen).
God is an awesome creator!
I love the sky; it is probably one of my most appreciated things in nature. Every day God gives us a new piece artwork to enjoy.
Take a peek at the sunset tonight - you won't be dissapointed.
I'm torn! I've always wanted to fufill my civic duty, yet I don't think I'll be able to!
I received a letter on friday telling me:
You are hereby summoned to appear before the judges of the Circuit Court of Dane County to serve as a juror for the weeks beginning on MAY 8, 2006 and MAY 15, 2006 at 8:15 a.m.I will be in summer school during this time, then I'll be out west the rest of the summer. This makes me sad! I know this isn't the most enjoyable experience ever, but I know I would enjoy saying I had the experience. Everyone get your kleenex boxes out and sympathize with me.
CAMP team
We are missing the 3 guys, but this is the pretty half of the team.
Pray for us!
We have a lot to prepare, and besides from God's grace, a lot ahead that we'll never be prepared for.
Praise Him for His faithfulness!
I know God makes no mistake,
He leads in every path I take,
Along the way that’s leading me to home.
Though at times my heart would break,
There’s a purpose in every change He makes
That others would see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.”
--God Makes No Mistakes
"When I am weak, then am I strong."
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” –I Peter 5:7
Hope you all are continuing the race that you are in! Stay strong.