Ever feel dumb?
Today was a dumb day in my book. I was dumb all day. It Started out with being late to 2nd hour and saying a dumb comment in class. I usually don't even speak up much in class, but for some reason, I did, and I was dumb. But, being dumb in front of others is good for me though...keeps me humble. Anyway, let's see...what else was I dumb in today? oh... I was dumb in Children's literature during a quiz, and I realized how dumb I was in Chemistry today with Dr. Corrick. He is a very smart and talented man. Today we didn't talk about Chemistry at all. He used today to share some memories of his teaching days. He shared several poems that he had written over the years. Many poems were labeled after different types of students. I underestimated (was dumb about) how much he perceives and picks up. He is a very good people analyzer and judge of character...and very witty too! I'm not going to tell you any more about that; all you el ed majors out there will just have to take the class to find out more! Back to dumbness. (Oh yes, there's more!) I was dumb because I wasn't prepared for something else today, and THE MOST DUMB thing I did tonight was this: For my Lit. class, I had to record myself reading to a 4th-8th grader. I have an 8th grade brother, so I opted for the easy choice. My poor brother. I made him read too. I have to chuckle, because his voice is so much deeper than mine! I don't think Mrs. Hershberger is going to believe that he is an 8th grader. I don't think he enjoyed it much, but he owed me one. I typed up a paper for him the other day (he had it written) when he was in a pinch. I think he might have actually liked the storry a little bit, but he deffinately wasn't going to let me know that! Oh. I remembered another dumb thing. I didn't find a sub to work during chapel on thursday, so I am going to miss a meeting I'm supposed to be at unless a miracle happens. dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!
I do feel dumb writing all of this, but you don't have to read it if you don't want too.
Praise the Lord for His faithfullness! Imagine what I'd be like without Him!!
Leave a dumb comment.
what to write...what to write...

Today was one of those "rush to everything" days. By the time I sort of caught my breath, I was wildly cheering and yelling and shouting and screeming at my sister's basketball game. Well, maybe I wasn't
that into the game, but hey, I love my sister nontheless. Watching the game made me realize, again, how much things change after highschool. My life is sooo different now from when I was a senior. I feel like I've changed so much! I know I am nowhere near what I should be, but I can look back and see how shallow and self-centered my mindset was. I guess I did not often have the big picture in mind.
Sadly, I missed the jr. recital of one of my future traveling buddies. I figured out a plan though, Steve. Could you do a redo of your recital in the van sometime when we're traveling for like 14 hours? We'll have to have a keyboard with us...it'll be so much fun!
I will be your number one fan
If you consider playing in the van.
What fun it would be,
With only 20 some keys.
I can imagine it now;
I should stop before someone has a cow.
I love Dr. Corrick!

Well, I figured since Bobbi was able to proclaim her love for R.B., I should be able to express my thanks for someone special. Dr. Corrick is the most wonderful elementary teacher this college employs! Besides from being the wonderful man that he is, he postponed a huge project that was due tomorrow to project due date!! You can't imagine the relief that flooded up in my soul! Well wait, you're in college; you probably can. DO you understand what this means? Instead of staying up all night tonight, I actually am starting a project "early" and, Lord willing, I might actually finish this project before it's due!!! I'm giddy! I still can't believe it.
Signing vs.Saying

We had Carolyn Price, missionary to Bolivia, stay at our house this weekend. She gave a testimony in church today, and she showed us her powerpoint presentation. This presentation was different than any others I've heard. There was no narraration, no music, and no sound. We watched a 15 minute presentation in silence. She's a missionary to the deaf.
I have always admired sign language. Not many people know that, but for a long time I've always had this desire to learn it. After having Miss Price in our home, it seems like I should be doing something about this abnormal interest. I don't think Maranatha offers a course in signing, but I might be looking into MATC or some local college sometime in the future to take a class in sign language. These people have a language all of their own. I don't and can't understand what their world must be like.
Here are some verses that Carolyn Price mentioned tonight. I liked them, so I'm sharing them.
Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. - I Corinthians 10:32-33
But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand. - Romans 15:21
Follow the Signs

Have you ever been on a trip to an unknown specific location? Ever driven along with just the signs on the road to give you hope of your destination?
I went on a mini road trip to
Oconomowoc today to visit my good friends Emiley and Helaine. Those that know me, know that I lack good driving skills (aka: the survival skills when lost or befuddled skills). I'm good when I know where I'm going. I guess I'm not the "devide and conquer" type of person.
Okay, to be honest, I had more than signs to follow. I had a detailed step-by-step route that I had scribbled on the back of a reciept. That reciept was valued as priceless to me on my way to Emiley's house. Do you know why? Because that was the only way I was ever going to find what I was looking for.
This reminds me of the simple truth of following the road-map God has written for us. So many times I look for "signs" here and there that might possibly lead me in the right direction, but I fail to examine the step-by-step procedures that God outlines in his letter to me.
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 55:6-9
Gobble, Gobble

The Eating Season has begun!
Today at my family gathering we had enough food to literally feed an army. There was only around 25 people people there, but we had enough food for like one hundred. I'm not kidding! We came home with more food than what we brought. The cooks in my family are crazy! Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining. My aunt made 12 pies. 12!! We brought home two... The potatoes were all butter and cream, and yeah, I could go on and on. I think I gained 5 pounds just smelling all the food.
As the years have come and gone, I've started to notice how much of our get-togethers revolve around food. I mean, we get together, pray, eat, talk, eat some more, hug, then leave. I remember the old days when grandma and grandpa had a huge house w/ a sledding hill in the back that led to the pond. We would run around that place and play all kinds of games. Now we just sit and veg. I remember thinking, "Those adults are so boring! All they do is talk!" I'm scared to think that I'm becoming one of those "sit-and-talkers!" When I'm 40, remind me to keep playing games w/ the kids. That's what bonds the fam together.
I have no clue what I'm doing...
It's been at least a good month of thinking this over, but I've finally relented. Wallah! Here's my blog.
Don't get too excited; I don't know how far I'll get with this. Thanks to all you consistant blogers who have, with your examples, influenced me to join the bandwagon.
I sat at my computer for a good half hour before naming my blog. Sorry I copied your format, Emiley. I was running out of ideas.
If anyone reads this before or during thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Tonight at church we had a pie fellowship. We went around and all of us shared things for which we were thankful. I had to chuckle when a few little rascals had scrunched up faces when it was their turn.
We have so much, that I find myself, like these little ones, sometimes scrunching up my face, trying to think of things to be thankful for. Isn't that sad? I hope I never forget all that God has done for me. Help me break the mold of "November Thanksgiving" and let's be thankful for the blessings (and the trials) that God allows us to have all year long.