Haley's recital

Julie and Joleen were my dates for Haley's voice recital yesterday. Haley was WONDERFUL! Ann Fredricks even graced us with her presence! What a wonderful day.
Picture Update

My sister Emily's 18th birthday!! (sniff, sniff... she's growing up!)

Fun trip to Target 1st day back at school. (Don't ya love Stephanie?)

Dorm Sweet Dorm. (Look mom, my room is clean!!) Do notice the additions I brought to the room: A swivel reclinging chair, a foot stool, a fridge (not shown) and a smile! Robyn and I couldn't help ourselves. We set up a "coffee table" by throwing a blanket over a plastic tub and used our hot pot to show... I'm not sure what. We had fun laughing though. (We were the only ones in the room...no one told us to stop.)

Last but not least, this was at our Foodservice party on Monday. Sorry about your crooked head right now. I'm using my roomies computer, and it'll take too long to switch anything. I'm a studious college student, remember. OH, I put the wrong pic on here. I wanted to put the one w/ yaffah.

Here you go. Now crank your head the other way. haha. Hey, I'm helping you stretch your neck muscles. It's good for you. I was thinking about putting yaffah on my tray (I was a stewardess).
Well, have a WoNdErFuL week everyone. Hope you enjoyed my snippet of pictures.
"The golden rule for your life and mine is this concentrated keeping of the life open towards God. Let everything else - work, clothes, food, everything on earth - go by the board, saving that one thing. The rush of other things always tends to obscure this concentration on God. We have to maintain ourselves in the place of beholding, keeping the life absolutely spiritual all through. Let other things come and go as they may, let other people criticize as they will, but never allow anything to obscure the life that is hid with Christ in God. Never be hurried out of the relationship of abiding in Him. It is the one thing that is apt to fluctuate but is ought not to. The severest discipline of a Christian's life is to learn how to keep "beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord." - Oswald Chambers
A Dinosaur Fight
http://www.dino-nakasato.org/en/special97/Fight-e.htmlCheck this out. This obviously happended during a rapid deposition event... any of you want to guess what catastrophic event this might have come from?
I'm really enjoying my online class, Modern Creationary Thought. I recommend it to all.
I have a thought. It might not be inspiring or original, but it is mine nonetheless. We were exhorted in church this morning to "keep love alive." Dr. Vaugn preached about the power and words of love. He spoke of numerous examples in which there were sons who never heard their father say, "I love you." The more he spoke of it, the more examples came to his mind, and he shared them with us. (He has counseled for many years.) I know my dad hardly (if ever) heard his father say those three words. An elderly lady in our church commented tonight that it was the same way with her parents. They grew up with the mindset that they knew their parents loved them, but it was a topic not discussed in the home. Feelings were hid; stoicism prevailed.
The thought I have is this: People guard their love; I guard my love. I shouldn't. You have heard of the stories where men don't tell their girlfriends that they love them until they ask them to marry them. For a long time, I thought that was neat. They weren't throwing away their love carelessly to any dandy girl that came along. But now I am looking at this at a new angle. Who are we to love one man more than another? Even if a couple broke up, they would be loving each other because they wanted what was best for the other individual - even if it was another person. The true definition of love is giving. We should love all men. It is not too mushy or too girly to tell your friends that you love them. I honestly do love all you guys and gals that read this. Thanks for being my friends. Biblically, I should love you even if you weren't my friends.
Will you dort me?
Okay, so we he had this marriage seminar tonight at my church. A bunch of us college girls had the opportunity of watching 16 children in the basement. 3 crying babies, 2 wailing toddlers, a handful of ruffians, 3 hours, 2 videos, 2 bags of popcorn, 2 dozen doughnuts, and 5 diapers later, I arrived home exhausted. 3 friends are spending the night. Ahhh. I forgot how relaxing a hot tub can be.
Okay, back to the dort thing. Dr. Marty Vaugn was the speaker tonight. In our church nursery, we have this dandy intercom. In the midst of changing a diaper, I heard the new word of the week: Dort.
"Up at Northland, some people call it dating, and some people call it courting, but we've found a way to make everyone happy. We just call it Dorting."
I laughed.
Haim Ginott

"I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. "
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized

We had a refreshing service today with 4 baptisms. All four boys desired to follow the Lord in believers baptism. They recieved workbooks to go through with their parents, and they met with men of the church before publicly sharing their testimony infront of the whole congregation. Now for discipleship. This is not the end of their obedience but the begining.
I've realized more from just being in the dorms how IMPORTANT discipleship is in people's lives RIGHT NOW. It's not something we can dismiss or leave for someone else to deal with. God places people in our lives for a specific reason. Not that I have all the answers, but we have to help each other like the example of Christ to his disciples and to other believers. My toes need to be stepped on more. I need to meekly confront others more. When people sin against their conscience, what are they really doing to themselves? They're grieving the Holy Spirit. If we love them like we should, we cannot passively let them continue in that direction.
scary dreams
Man, do I have a doozy for you. If you want to be entertained by my hallucinations (literally), ask me sometime about the dreams I had friday night (if I haven't already told you). Right now I'm glad I'm not living in Biblical times. Who knows what the meaning might have been. Our brains are pretty amazing pieces of muscle to portray events sooooo literally.
I am tired right now. Should I sleep?? haha.
Today was nice and busy. I sorta slept in (before my dream woke me up) and ran for a short while, then played 3-man v-ball in the big gym with friends. FUN time. I worked at...you guessed it. The bakery. Then I went home and did laundry. (score for free laundry!!) After a short bit of homework, I shall enjoy a hot shower and sleep in my own bed. hmmmmmmm. Sorry for making some of you dormies jealous. I do have it rather good, don't I?
Hi everyone. I just wanted to inform you all that I'm getting used to dorm life again. I have wonderful roomies. My computer isn't connected to the system, so I will not be able to provide daily reading for you. Sooory; I know you're dissapointed.
A few updates for you, just incase you were wondering:
I didn't even want to mention this, but I said before that I would, so I am going to stick to my "words." Well, I met the boy that my friends wanted me to meet. He was nice, but there isn't much more to tell than that. Just wanted to stomp out any of your silly notions. (: Set-ups are not for me. Sure, maybe 1 out of 300 work, and then they have this awesome story to tell the rest of the world, but honestly. Come now. Let's be realistic.
I mentioned I loved to read. Sure wish I had the list for American masterpieces BEFORE christmas break. Oops, my bad. Hopefully I'll get a lot of one-on-one time with good ol' Norton's Anthology.
I'm doing my Junior Field Work with an 8th grade class at Calvary. Ahh! I guess it will be good for me. Gulp. Honestly, I really am looking forward to this adventure. (That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.) I'll be there Tue. Thur. Chapel -4th hour. (six hours a week.) It's nice right now because I have this and next week before I start, so I have all this FREE Time in the morning!
Well, I've spent too much time on this computer already. I need to prioritize, my goodness! Not that you all aren't important to me or anything...
say, WHAT?!!

Life never ceases to amaze me. I have been reminded in the past few days how quick
my plans can change. God knew what I would be doing all along, but I did not get much notice here! In my last entry, I was not sure what day I was going back to school. In this entry, I am going back with a car-load of stuff! That's right, folks. By reading between the lines, you may have figured out that I'm moving back on campus! I was not planning this at all, but the Lord works in mysterious ways. I had mentioned that I was thinking/praying about living on campus my Senior year, but this next semester will probably be my heaviest load (and latest nights), so it was decided last-minute that I would come back and live in Melford! (I was driving 40 minutes each way.) I don't even know where to begin! I found out last night that I'd be back for sure. WoW. I have been out of touch with dorm life for 2 years. I would exhibit more glee, but I have some packing to do. I feel like a freshman all-over!
Team Palau ... and my week

The Kutz family left home bright and early on Sunday morning to make the treck to Brookside for the Commissioning service of the Zimmers. (See Emiley's report:
I saw many Maranatha faces, including Tim Morgan(BJ) and Emiley and Annie Yogerst.
My family decided to drive to maranatha last night to watch the men's basketball team play Dominican. We lost 52 to 80. Ouch. They didn't even have a half-time competition!! I was all ready to shoot. ( I would have too since I was 1 of the 10 mbbc students in attendence.)
I work with Muslim Kosovo men at the Bakery in Stoughton. Don't worry, they really are quite nice. What an arrangement, I know. I know how to say
good. It sounds like
Meyor. I asked them to teach me, "Hi, my name is Hannah." I had it down pretty well, but then I forgot it because I didn't think of a way to remember it, and I stopped repeating it in my head. oops. They speak Albanian. It is interesting the way we communicate. Everything is by facial expression, voice tone, and hand gesturess. They know a little english like,
no good, excuse me, yes, no, thank you, this way, phooey (haha) - and they know my name. Hahnnah. All of their kids were born in America, so the children know English. One boy, Fizzie (that's his name!!) interprets for all of us. He's 18 and is an apprentice baker. Mt. Dew is THE nutrition for the production men. I've been offered it so much, I started drinking a little as to not hurt or offend them. Honest! They love the stuff, but I can't take all that sugar. They each drink 3 or 4 a day. (yuck.) I take no more than 2 a week if I can help it.
I bought them a 12-pack to say goodbye. Can't go wrong there.
The Rest of My Week:
Thur. - 7-2ish Work in Stoughton, 4:30 - haircut, 8:30 - Steve Dow's house
Fri. - 7-11 in Stoughton, 12-job shadowing a Physical Therapist in the fort school district.
Sat. - 10-? Work in Cambridge , 7ish-open gym in Cambridge
Sun.- Church
Mon. - I think I'm going to mbbc. I need to figure that out. If it's anything like the past, we have registration, and classes start tuesday. gulp.
One more thing! Mr. Dow showed me how to do Sudoku's!!! I am securely attached to them. (addicted sounds too harsh.) User's Note: Don't waste an hour before you go to bed trying to finish a sudoku. Your brain gets stimulated, and it is very depressing laying in bed and not being able to sleep because your brain is still searching for numbers. If any of you are confused, a Sudoku may be found daily in the newspaper near the crossword puzzles.
Emiley bo bemoli

Camp polo: $25
White t-shirt: $2
Red Dye: $3
Markers: $2
Time spent waiting for campers: hours
1 Summer spent with Emiley:
Brothah Cam da Mon

This boy was quite intimidating to me at first - understandably so. Once I got past the looks, I realized he was nothing but a softy at heart. I think I began to realize that he was more than just "a cool gorilla" when I saw him sing. No holds bar there. Way to go, Cam. Cam received many interesting campers during the summer: Boys from da hood, and boys with physical and mental disabilities. Who will ever forget those weeks? haha. My boy-crazy campers even schemed up a way to convince his campers to choose me for a date. (If a cabin says over 100 sections, they can set their counselor up on a date.) My cabin was too lazy to memorize, but they worked their brother cabin so they could enjoy the setting-up part. tsk tsk. My girls even made him give me a stuffed animal wrapped in toilet paper! haha! Good times. Good memories.