My Best Friend
Becca and I have gone through many ups and downs in our relationship. God has been good in giving me this wonderful friend. We took this picture tonight at my church potluck and video time. We watched a video put out by Bob Jones about a missionary to Africa. The acting was so-so, but the message of the gospel and the power of God continuing His work was very inspiring and convicting at the same time. God doesn't need me, but He wants me to serve Him. 1 John 3:16-17 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

One of my co-workers invited me to a party tonight. I declined and asked her if she wanted to come to our church get-together. She said she'd come if I would come to her party. haha. No can do. We were able to talk about why I didn't drink. I hope my answers were not vague. I told her that I was a Christian, and because I had Christ in my heart, I did not want to put things into my body that would hurt me. She couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to "party." I told her that drinking wasn't my idea of fun. She said a little bit wouldn't hurt anyone. I agreed that some people think "they can handle it," but I told her that alcohol causes a lot of problems, and the best way to not be a drunk or alcoholic, is to never take the first drink. Pray for her. She came to an evangelistic meeting with me a couple months ago. I want to see her get saved. I love her too much to see her keep living a life without true peace and joy. When I got home, I told my mom about it, and she said that she thought of my co-worker, and she was praying for her! It's amazing when you feel the spirit's leading. So often, when I feel the spirit nudging me to say something, it's easy to push it down because of nerves. Why? Why do I have such a skewed vision of reality? What we have to share is something of VITAL importance!
Can you see the resemblance?

Emily and I are not always recognized as sisters. It's funny. Some people see no similarities, and some people notice the resemblances right away. We are quite different. I'm 5'8 and 3/4 " (hey, I like science. I'm all about exactness.) Em is 5' 6". I don't know why she got to be average and not me. phooey. (sp?) She is blonde, I'm brunette. She is usually hot, I'm usually cold. She is a sports nut. I....well, I try. She's skinny, I'm... um, let's just say I should exersise more. She likes to bake, I like to cook. (I'm stretching it here.) What else?? hmmm. We BOTH have blue eyes, and, Lord willing, we both hope to play soccer together next year. (I played my freshman year.) We both want to live in the dorms next year too. (Emiley - you should too! I'll pray for an inheritance from some distant relative or something.) We both started playing violin together...although she dropped out after a couple years. We both like to read. Hmmm. People say we sound alike. Both of us have never dated anyone. (I have this icky feeling that she's going to beat me and find someone her freshman year like John our older brother did. Haha.) She's a hoot, let me tell you. I have this
hilarious videotape of her. I would put it on here, but I don't think I am able to do that on my blog. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I believe that if any girls were qualified to make it into E
xcalibur, Em would be at the top of the list. She is very quick on her feet. I am the type that will mull things over and respond 10 minutes after a joke. Maybe that's one of the reasons I like having this blog! Whenever I'm in conversations, I'm like," my name start's with h......give me a minute and I'll think of rhymes with banana...oh, Hannah! My name is Hannah." Okay, well, I think I've mastered my name, but you know what I mean. Having this blog gives me the time to search my brain without flustering myself or anyone else. You all get to read this without pauses or glitches on my account. Technology. I love it. Back to Emily: She's coming to Maranatha, so watch out everyone! Another Kutz girl in the kitchen. mwhahaha.
escaped convicts, crabs, and flashlights

Wow. I feel safe. I have lived in Cambridge how many years? I just found out that we have a minimum securty prison on the outside of town. What's worse, the reason I just found out is because of the news that a black man just escaped from it. If you don't see any more posts, just be glad that you'll see me in heaven someday. Good thing the safest place for me is being in the center of God's will. Who would want to come to 225 Johnson street anyway? Well, we do have 3 sheds in our backyard....and a cool tunnel in the "woods." He could hide under our trampoline! Pardon me as I pull my shades down.

Ahem. Now let me vent my frustrations about people in general. What do you say when people come into your store already intent to be angry about something. I mean, our product hasn't changed in size, yet people look for things (or make up things) to belittle and complain about. I had a call the other day from a house-bound grandma. She said (in a shaky, frail, nasty voice) that her buns that someone picked up for her were too small! The buns she ordered last year for her husbands funeral were larger and less expensive. (The price and size has not changed.) What was I supposed to say? Lie and appologize for something not true, or tell her she has dementia and to find something better to do with her time?? (This is my flesh speaking.) I normally just grin when people are grumps, because I can't let them pull me down into their selfish world. I feel sorry for them. They look to doughnuts (sorry bobbi) to fufill a hole in their empty, shallow world. What they need is a drink from the Living Water found in God's word. My heart aches for so many of the people that come in and go out those doors who are searching for a meaning in life; maybe they don't even know it, but there's an emptiness there. Lord willing, my life's call won't just be composed of serving fat calories to already overweight bodies. This is the time when I feel convicted about that crabby phone call I received. The lady lives near me and she probably is just lonely and looking for ways to communicate with people. Showing Christ's love would be to stop by her house sometime and and just visit with her. Ach. This application is easier said than done. Pray that I'd find a way to witness to her.

Do any of you have any good reading suggestions for me? I'm in a quandary. I'm not used to this extra time in my day, and I want to read a good book, but I walked around in our small hometown library for a half-hour today and nothing caught my eye. Well, okay, I lied.
War and Peace caught my eye, and I pulled it down and flipped through it....and then common sense kicked in and I put it back. As I child, I could not put a book down until I read it all. Yeah, I almost sufficated sometimes when I read underneath the covers with a flashlight so my parents wouldn't know I was still awake. Maybe that's what's wrong with me! Lack of oxygen to my brain or something... ANYWAY, drop some good titles if you have a moment. My flashlight and I will be waiting.
"in touch with my inner child"
I Love art. I always have. I love to paint, to draw, to color, and to take pictures!! Tonight I reveled in sweet harmony as I sat alone in my room and painted my reindeer with
The Phantom of the Opera playing in the background. I loved it! Talk about relaxing. Now, I know this isn't the most professional, but I had to share my masterpiece with you all. hehe. What do you think?
the best baby

Kara and me
me and my honey

Well, I received a gift that I totally did not deserve. I got my digital! Here's my family!
Krit, John & Baby Kara, Kyle, Dad, Me, Grandma Kutz, Mom, Emily, and buddy.
Sean Weckerly
My blog has been checked out 225 times! I'm honored. Sorry I kept you waiting a few days. Well, I'm glad you're back. Oh, I told my good friend SEAN that I would dedicate a post to him, so this post is dedicated to Sean Weckerly. Sean and I have been friends it our Junior year, sean? Or was it our soph? This looks really good, doesn't it? Well, anyhow, you know I mean well Sean...even if I have a bad memory. Sean is engaged to my wonderful friend, Jessie Hamby. They are getting married this summer and I have the privilege of being in their wedding! I'm soooo excited. Seano, thanks for being a bro. You are awesome. You're the coolest kid around. Thanks for giving helpful advice to this wacko girl.
(Jessie, don't worry. You're dedicated post will be in the future...(: )
Nicholas Nickleby

Rebecca Ofstie and I got together after work, ate some pizza, and watched a movie on her comfy couch. We had trouble finding a movie, so we randomly picked one neither of us knew anything about. (Yep, I ended in a preposition.) So, we watched this Charles Dickens imaginative tale. I'm not sure that I would watch it again, but it had a radical story line. Oh, and I guessed the "surprise" ending halfway through the movie...that's usually not a good thing when you can guess ahead...but it was entertaining anyhow. This was the first movie I think I actually watched during break. I had intentions earlier, but I never got around to it. It was fun to just spend time with Becca.
HEALTH ALERT!! I had forgotten how GREASY doughnuts are....I worked in production today, and let me tell you, my hands had nice oily treatment all day. Fried food really is discusting if you see it in it's orginal state. Huh! It's sorta like sin. We frost it up and coat it, but in it's true state, it's artery clogging. We even try to talk ourselves into thinking it's okay. Hmm. Well, I'm not going to be eating doughnuts for a while. I need to move somewhere warm and work a healthier job.
Makin' the Dough...and bamboozled

*This is actually the Cambridge bakery! I just found a picture of it on the internet.
Since I wasn't able to get many hours at the Cambridge bakery, I talked to "Joe" from the Stoughton bakery. (We used to be under the same owner.) Joe put me to work right away. I woke up at 6 this morning to make the drive. Those late-morning-sleep-ins were nice, but I believe they are now over. We had a 60 lb. order for christmas butter cookies today. We got everything packaged up just in time. Frosting, sprinkling, dipping, filling... My day was full of fun, back-bending activities.
Ask your parents if they every put soda crackers with ice cream. I was simply bamboozled with my mother's placement of crackers next to the ice cream at our church fellowship last night. My mom said her mother used to serve them together all the time and -by george- all of the old people at church knew just what to do with them. They all stuck the crackers into their bowls like it was a normal place for crackers to be placed. A guy in his 30's was also quite mystified, so it must be a generation thing or something. Let me know what you find out. I'm curious if this is a nation-wide thing, or just a early wisconsin thing. I mean, cheese and crackers go well together, but ICE CREAM??
Never a dull moment...
Truth is stranger than fiction. If anyone wanted to write an adventure story, I bet one would never pick a plot of a family hunting for honey on some backwoods wisconsin land in the middle of winter with some car-into-ditch action thrown in for some spice. Does anyone want to use this for a short story? I wouldn't. This was our day yesterday.
Here's the pro/con rundown:
The nice honey people lived near where we went into the ditch and they helped us.
I didn't freeze
The nice honey lady took us to her house and made us hot cocoa
I got warm
The nice honey lady got some company. (she said she never get's any)
The wrecker came.. eventually
The nice honey man gave dad gas (we were almost out.)
After 2 hours, we eventually got what we were after - honey.
We got to give the nice honey people some tracts. (Ditch evangelism??)
Kyle did make it to his b-ball game
Mom got to go Shopping at walmart
We all got to watch Kyle play b-ball
The nice honey man had to freeze while helping us
The nice honey people are out of hot cocoa
The nice honey man is out of gas
The nice honey people have a wet floor from our shoes
Dad learned he can't talk on the phone and turn the car around at the same time (Wait, maybe that's a pro.)
We never got to go back home before the b-ball game.
Poor buddy (our dog) was home alone in his crate for a very LONG time.
There's a lot more to this story, but I don't have time. Just beware that honey hunting in wisconsin is dangerous. (:
All I want for Christmas

I had such a fun day today! I'm going to go on a memory kick for a second. When all four of us children were young and poor, my mother would take us to the dollar store. Each of us would get 5 dollars, and we'd go christmas shopping for our whole family! I remember carrying a shopping basket with my coat over it so my loved ones wouldn't see it's contents. Haha. We were so proud of our little gifts we found for each other.
Now let me tell you how today's shopping trip went. Kyle, Emily, and I went sputtering off to Johnson's Creek, playing Christmas songs off the radio the whole way. Oh, this was before Kyle cashed in his bottle of dimes at the bank. He got $51.20 for his collection! I think I'm going to start collecting change....
So, we were shopping together; all three of us. We went from Kohls, to culvers, to the outlets, to culvers, and back to Kohls again. What a riot! You really should have been there. haha. We threw the whole secrecy idea out the window and pointed out to each other what we wanted for christmas and then proceeded to buy the gifts for each other infront of each other. Our mom would not appreciate this method, so we're not going to tell her, and we're going to act all surprised when we open our gifts. We figured this way we don't have to bother with returning anything. We're all getting what we want! haha. It was sooo much fun. My little brother was fun to watch. He's only thirteen... I forget that because he's huge. He wanted this beanie. I already bought a sweater he picked out, and Emily got him something already too, so inbetween the three times we went into Gap, he finally bought it. He was wearing it proudly on the way home. What a nut.
So, I think I have all my shopping done! This is very good for me...I'm usually very late when it comes to christmas.

At our bakery party the other night, I found a fellow cheese lover. Connie is in her late 30's and she loves anything with cheese, just like me! I didn't know others existed! We talked a little more, and we BOTH love Olive Garden's alfredo! No one else tops it. It's so fun to find people with the same idiosyncrasies as I have. Watch out people; there might be others of us running around in the world. Be kind to them, okay? (:
No longer holding my breath

I'm free at last! WHAT a blessing. This picture illustrates my life up until 3:30 this afternoon. (Fun times at Northland.) We had a bakery party tonight. Our boss took us all out to eat. It was really nice.
Hehe, I might have a fun story to tell you maybe sometime during this break. I might have an "adventure" coming up. We'll see. My friends from home are trying to set me up with one of their friends from PCC. We've had this joke running now for over a year...if this guy came up to Wisconsin, I'd go on a date with him. (Remind me not to joke around like this ever again.) Guess who's comming up in January? I don't know how I get into these kinds of situations.
Have a wonderful Christmas, friends! I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye to any of you.
Fried Brain, anyone?

Praise the Lord I only have one final left. My poor brain was on information overload today. I honestly think I have a learning disability. My brain takes information-processing very SLOW. You know how it feels when you have two minutes to get to class and the computer has already taken 3 minutes just loading up for you to log in? Yeah, that has been my brain these past few days. I went to see the posting of my U.S. History final. I couldn't find my I.D. number. I found one that was a number off, so I trotted over to Mr. Licht's office, and lo and behold, he was there! We found my scantron, and (note the fryness) I didn't have my
last name or the
right number written down. (I always use the same number, so If I told you, you'd know my life history.) What a ditz! And this was at the BEGINING of my test.
Cameron, I just finished watching the camp dvd you sent. It is awesome! I wasn't expecting to sit there that put a lot of work into that. Thanks! (It was a nice brain-cooler-offer.)
The longer I look at my title, the more I think I've seen that before. Sorry if I'm copying someone. It looks familiar.
We received a tumult of snow today. Utica cancelled school. I had to putt my way to school while my siblings slept soundly...I don't know about that one.
I could have left school EARLY, but I wasn't aware of a meeting cancellation. (I shall not mention any names.) Actually, it was nice to sit around for a while and just chat with people.
Well, I need to warm up my engine a bit. My brain has been idling. It just needs to get me through one more final tomorrow, then I don't have to "drive" it for at least three weeks.
Hey people, I see on my dandy counter that YOU are checking out my site. LEAVE A COMMENT. Even if it's just, "hey" I'll appreciate and cherish it.
For all you romantics
I ran across some poems. I'm sworn to secrecy as to who wrote them....but many of you know the author.
Kept from CaringThe KnightI built my castle strong; the windows barred and small.
The moat was wide and very deep, and none could scale the wall.
I heard a gentle laugh, the call to come away.
Adventure there, protection here;
I chose the safer way.
The GunfighterI practiced with my gun, till I could draw and aim
Faster than the westerners of legendary fame.
He offered water cool, and though I had a thirst,
I guessed he really meant me harm,
And so I shot him first.
The ClownI giggled quite a bit, and laughed and joked around.
I never took things seriously, nor let them get me down.
He told me that he cared. I answered, "That's a joke."
Lest the laugh should be on me,
I mocked the words he spoke.
The GhostI slipped into the room, as nebulous as air
Lest someone should notice me or know that I'd been there.
He tried to catch my eye; I looked the other way.
Before he could embarrass me,
I quickly slipped away.
The BookieIf I had said I care, the odds seemed pretty high
She would have said the same to me. It could be worth a try.
Yet I had known of some, who gambled so and lost.
I cautiously withdrew my bet.
I couldn't chance the cost.
The Miracle WorkerI looked at her and smiled, and waited fo the crash
As all my world around me fell, reduced to useless trash.
I knew she'd put me down, I knew I would be burned,
But miracle of miracles; my smile was returned.
The selfish studentPhilosophyIt's really no concern of mine, the things you need or do.
I've problems plenty of my own without some more from you.
And if the things I say or do should sometimes hurt another,
Don't come to me with "You should be the keeeper of your brother."
Let my brother keep himself, and I'll take care of me.
Each on his own should stand alone. That's my philosophy.
But if it turns out I should need your help at any time,
I hope that your philosophy is not the same as mine.
loving at 70
I can't believe I'm starting to post twice a day. I just could help mentioning who we had over tonight. We had the Hoels, and Arnesons, and the Nasetts to our home. All of the couples were very humorous and fun to talk with. The Hoels (bob and shirley) are in their late 70's. Shirley is getting over some physical problems. She was in the hospital and nursing home recently. They were telling us tonight of all the adventures bob had while he was loning it. He didn't know where to put the water to make coffee, and after he figured that out, he didn't put the coffee grounds in the machine. He has learned how to make oatmeal, coffee, and cookies. Shirley was saying that she is going to rent him out. He can cook, clean, shampoo hair, ect. ( : She is getting shaky and frail, yet they both tease and joke. This is the couple that keep a running count of who is winning at scrabble. (They play every least they used to before she started having problems.) They two people have been a great encouragement and example to me. The love they show toward each other is something I can only hope to mimick someday.
Well, I need to get back to studying Chemistry and Physics for the Elementary Teacher. "Chemistry and Physics in elementary?" Don't question. Just nod your head.
It's the little things in life...
Some of you know that I have Raynauds. Click at the link below if you really want to know what that is. Basically, my finger and toe muscles contract and don't allow blood to flow when I get cold. The results are my death-white fingers. (It is pretty cool to see. The guys in high school always were impressed and entertained.) I got it in 9th grade. I guess it's more common among women. We ran blood tests and they came back positive for lupus. These are just test results though. My only symptom of lupus is Raynauds. So, my lupus is inactive. Not a big deal. I just can't overdo things and wear myself out. (That sentence laughs in the face of college life.)
ANYWHOoo, lets get to the whole point of my title, "it's the little things.."
My parents got me little booties. (Another gift, I know!) These aren't your average slippers though, no sir. They have warmers in them. (They're like those hunting handwarmers, but they're reuseable and microwaveable.) I slipped them on this afternoon. HEAT! What an awesome gift God gave us. If you look into buying them, beware! These are made for sitters, not walkers. I about tripped three times yesterday.
( - raynauds stuff
I need to clarify:
Just incase some of you think that I rely on my parents for everything, the wireless card was an early christmas present. They were getting tired of waiting (for the computer) so they didn't wait in giving it to me. I sound like I'm a little too dependant. Makeup, computers, what next? Maybe they can provide me with husband. Do the whole courting thing. I wouldn't even have to have a choice in the matter. JUST KIDDING! Wow, I'm getting way out of hand here. At least we have a good relationship. I'm done making a fool out of myself...for now.

I have just spent 2 and a half hours trying to hook up my laptop to DSL wireless connection in my home. My parents were getting exasperated with me always on the family computer, and we have dsl, so they got me a card for my laptop so I could use the internet. I went through the whole process of installation but got stuck when it asked for a WEP key. I could not find our WEP key on our computer. We called support and I talked to a computerized voice for a little bit. (It was entertaining; you should try it sometime. If they don't understand you, they just start at the begining again. It's great! You're not even hurting their feelings!) Finally, I talked to a human being. He told me to read off what our little black plug-in thingie said. "Westell Model 6100," I proclaimed. "Wrong!" he replied. "Sad!" I sighed. (Interpretation: My mother was mis-informed when she ordered my card. Westell Model 6100 will not provide wireless. Westell 327 or Active Tech something will - NOT Westell 6100.) So, alas, my card works, but I cannot connect to the internet at my home until we get a different modem or a wireless link support at a tech store or something. I can't remember what it's called. I'm sure you know. Happy thought: I CAN connect to wireless at school now. That's cool. (Why I would haul my laptop to school when I can just use one there or carry my files on my jump drive, I don't know. I have to get the WEP key thingie for that too, but the technical ppl at school will help me w/ that I'm sure.)
SO, as I'm sitting at my
parent's computer typing (SIGH's all around) I am semi-grateful for my parents thoughtfulnes, semi-exasperated with verizon for originally misinforming my parents, and semi-tired with all this computer technology stuff. I feel like I'm drowning. I should wade in the water a bit. Everyone sing! Sorry. If you don't get that, you're better off.
What is my problem?

I cannot believe I have gone this long without posting a picture of my niece. What have I been thinking? She is adorable, but I'm sure you all can see that.
I would post more, but I've been convicted about my sin of laziness. My room needs my

eMary Kay

I need your imput people. If you read this blog and never comment, now is your time to pick up the torch. Some people (who shall remain nameless) are trying to shinaggle(is that a word?) me into selling Mary Kay. The big attraction would be that I could get all the product I want at a 50% discount. I've always been a tight wad, so this little incentive is very tempting. But, I'm usually such a tight wad that I hate even buying Mary Kay in the first place. (I'm sorry, guys. I don't think you can relate with this...but give it your best shot.)
I was looking for pictures to put on here, and I ran into the original Mary Kay lady. SCARY! If I put her on my blog, you would all shoot me. I'd shoot myself for even THINKING about selling her products. If I'd turn out looking like her, NO THANKS.... (If you've seen her, you'd know
what I mean.) Okay, I relent. I'm putting her on. Don't laugh....or cry....or shout I mean. I guess she doesn't look that bad... NO, I can't handle it. I'm taking her off. (Do you like my ramblings?)
(hehe. I can see you guys running a search on Mary Kay just to see what she looks like. haha.)
Back to my original intent of this pinky post: Do I want to get involved in this? Argh. I don't know. I wouldn't want to do it that much outside of what my family and friends need. I wouldn't go whole-hog. Yet, is this really important? All the Mary Kay stuff I own is stuff my mom has bought me b/c I can't justify the prices. Money can go to much better places, in my humble opinion. Quality is a good consideration, but come on! $10 for eyeliner?!! $1 wally's works for me!
If I have these views about their prices, how can I ask my friends to buy the products just so I'll get a better deal? I could go the route of cutting into my profits and giving everyone a discount...everyone would be happy, I'd make a little money, and I'd get quality stuff cheaper. hmmm. Do I really need another thing going on in my life right now? I can't believe I'm devoting an entire blog post to makeup. How trivial is that? I really am deeper than this.
I think I just talked myself into saying no. Thanks for listening.
You can still comment.
BUT if my mom is going to buy the stuff anyway, why not sell it to just get it cheaper for her?
Oh, if all of life's problems were just this difficult... Sigh. (said w/ irony)
Cars, guys, and sports
CarsWhile I was putting along on my way to school yesterday, I turned around a corner, and guess what happened?!!?!? My front passenger's side door wrenched open wide! That was quite disturbing, so I pulled over to the side of the road. After several failed attempts to make my door latch, I ended up tying a blanket around the inside of the door handle, and I drove the rest of the way with the wheel in one hand and my red-checkered fleece blanket in the other. My mom didn't like the idea of me driving home like that, so I conjured up an interesting "lock" for my door. (Later I found that it was just frozen weird....It's shut now.) My faithful blue
cutless sierra is still puttin'.
guysI have nothing to put here. The title just sounded fun. (I did talk to a few today. )
Oh! I remember something I can write about a guy! The guy in the picture (above) is my high school friend, Phil, in Iraq. Pray for him if you think of it.
sportsMy family came home distressing about their horrid game against Badger State. My sister was wailing about how disturbed and confused the refs were. Emily didn't even play. She kept the books for the boys. She said that the ref told her that the arrow only changes at half time. She was trying to inform him that the arrow changes every time there's a jump ball to show the possession change. My dad just kept saying, "I've always said we shouldn't play Badger State." Kyle was quiet. They lost by one point. I guess the other team made the boys play in pants too. Some little guys played in jeans because they weren't prepared. As I mentioned before, I'm glad I'm out of the whole high school days.
I haven't mentioned many memories yet, so I will comment on one. I remember a horrible way my dad used to wake us kids up in the morning. He would grab a hand bell (the school type) and shake it on the stairs and yell for us to wake up. I am not a quick-waker-upper in the morning. I hated that ringing....that's an aweful way to wake up. I'm not sure why I thought of that; maybe because I didn't wake up the other day when I was supposed to. Oh,this story is rather embarrasing, so I'll give you the quicky version:
I was supposed to open up at the bakery on saturday. I am usually at the store at 5 a.m. I didn't wake up until 6:40. I'm still shuddering at that day. That was the day we were all supposed to dress up in Dicken's Era clothing for "Country Christmas in Cambridge." I literally rolled out of bed, threw my pants and shirt on, and ran out the door. I was still the first worker in the store, but every body in town who wanted a dozen doughnuts came in right behind me. The next person on the schedule came in late too! (shudder.) In the 6 years I've worked there, I've now slept in twice. (The first time was even worse! Don't ask about the tree in our front yard.)
Maybe I should go to sleep now.
Wallyworld needs Google

I walked around that store for an hour tonight looking for a simple, household item. Those people wearing the blue vests that say something about "ask me" on the rear of their backs could not help me! I was sent to at least 3 different departments. What, might you ask, sent Walmart into a tizy frenzie because no one knew the answer? Magnets. Yep; that's right. Walmart does not sell magnets. (Not the cutzie fridge kind, but the
bar or horseshoe type) I want to warn you ahead: if you have a hankering to go magnet shopping, don't go to Walmart. Honestly, they need a search engine available to customers in that place.
I'll Quote You...
"Upon common theaters, indeed, the applause of the audience is of more importance to the actors than their own approbation. But upon the stage of life, while conscience claps, let the world hiss! On the contrary if conscience disapproves, the loudest applauses of the world are of little value." -John Adams
"There is too much competition, even in this infant of our Republic. Virtue is not in fashion. Vice is not infamous." - John Adams
"Affliction is a good man's shinning time." - Edward Young
"Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled." - Hebrews 12:15
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of
his might." - Ephesians 6:10
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: - Philippians 1:6
"That ye may approve things that are excellent: that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." - Philippians 1:10-11
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ
is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." - Philippians 2:9-11
I'm going to be serious
I think all of my blogs to this point have contained some form of sarcasm, humor, dumbness, or just plain weirdness. I am going to be serious in this post just because we all need to be serious sometimes. I'm not sure what I'm going to write.... This is hard! It's easy to hide things with humor or sarcasm, isn't it? It is easy to go about life just saying one care-free thing after another. It's easy to just know people but not really know them. I'm good at this. I have tons of "friends," but how deep are those friendships? We all get overrun with business. Grades easily take priority, but when we stand before God someday, will he say, "well done" in areas more than just the grades? Yes, we should do our best, but a good balance is needed. God gave us people to share our lives with...not books. Christ took time for people. He welcomed the dirty, smelly, bratty little children to come to him. He made time for people. He cared about people. I need to care for people more.